You know what I love about being a parent? I LOVE getting to share all aspects of life with my children. What's so wonderful about kids is that they look up to you. They watch more than you think. If you want to know a real opinion, go ahead and ask your 4 yr old... they sure do tell you how it is. The facts are that kids are going to listen to you but they ALSO are going to be WATCHING what you do. So I am being so mindful of how I eat, and how I lead my life. I want my kids to lead a healthy lifestyle and that means working out with them... yes, it's possible! That's why I am loving this concept of Double Time that BeachBody has. Don't know about it?
Double Time is the first 30-day partner workout program from Beachbody and Super Trainer Tony Horton. Designed with families in mind, it’s a fun way for you and a partner (like your spouse, a friend, or your kid) to exercise and eat healthy food as a team—all while sharing some one-on-one time! Double Time makes getting in shape feel more like play and less like work.
I started doing BB and my daughter wanted to join in. She would quickly get upset she couldn’t do half the stuff that’s i was doing. So Now i simply wake up earlier then her and do MY work out. Then when she wakes up and is ready to go we do OUR workout together. She’s 5 so doesn’t always understand it all, but i bet that if we continue on she will most definitely be better at it. Bonus that we get to spend time together. Bonus that we both are staying physically fit. Bonus that we are laying down a solid foundation for her life.
There are SO many benefits of working out WITH my daughter, how could I not? She’s lately been giving me such a hard time, about working all the time. You see, I started this business to have more time with her. Sure, I’m here with her but I’m not spending the quality time with her like I had planned. Tameless Designs is a full time business that requires my full time attention. I am here to quite Sophia and Riley thoughtout the day but we mainly come together to eat, and take care of their needs. That’s really why i love this program. It gives me a reason and a solid plan of action to set aside time with her for st least 20 minutes in my day. I think that you can carve out 20 minutes or so to spend some quality time with your children. What do you think?
Click here to learn more. Just click shop & then search Double Time!