Featured Friday! Camden

Featured Friday! Camden

Name & Age
Camden Gauthier age 11
Follow her in Instagram!
What are you most grateful for?
I am so grateful for my coaches and that they saw the potential in me this year and believed in me. I know how lucky I am to be able to cheer at World Cup and have a whole family that supports my love of competitive cheerleading!
How long have you been cheering for? Do you plan to cheer all throughout highschool & beyond?
I have been cheering since I was 6 or 7. I saw my older sisters cheer at a competition and I wanted to be like them. I was doing gymnastics at the time and switched to cheer. I would like to cheer all through high school, be a super senior and then go to cheer in college. I would like to come back and be a coach at World Cup.
What team and what level are you cheering at now?
I cheer at World Cup on J2 Orion as a base and Senior3coed Solstice as a flyer
What's your favorite part about cheer?
I love getting on the mat and hitting zero! The way you feel when you see your coaches support you and your team coming together makes all the hard practices worth it.
What's your least favorite part about cheer?
My least favorite part of cheer is when we are having a bad practice and just can't seem to figure out what to fix.
What's your main goal this year? 
My main goal is to win Summit with my team and also land my full.
What competition do you love attending?
One Up is my favorite competition! We are repeat champions!
What's your favorite Cheer Quote?
A great cheerleader is not measure by the height of her jumps but by the span of her spirit
How do you get in the right mindset to practice and compete? 
Before we step on the mat to compete, my team gathers in a circle and does a chant. We all have our own part. It helps us get hyped up! We also have certain handshakes we do!
What's your dream job?
World Cup cheer coach
What's your favorite cheer team you follow?
Besides Shooting Stars, I love California Allstars Smoed
If you had a cheer team, what would you name it?
Diamond Allstars
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